COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) has divided job tasks in to four different risk levels for exposure and transmission of COVID-19. One of the factors considered is the need for contact within 6 feet of another person. Because of this factor most home inspections will fall in to the lowest risk (caution) category.
While it can be in the interest of the client to be present during the home inspection it is currently in the best interest for the home inspector to be alone at the property. Therefore in order to maintain the safest work environment possible it is strongly requested that the inspector preform the inspection alone without anybody else on the site of the inspection.
I will be available discuss any results over the phone or remotely over a web video conference or whatever way is most convenient for you.
If you must show up for the inspection please do not show up until near the end of the inspection to limit as much interaction as possible. I can contact you with a specified agreed upon amount of time left during the inspection. Also any person who arrives on site during the inspection will be required to sign a Coronavirus Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement.
While on site ALL parties MUST wear masks and maintain a minimum 6 foot social distance WITHOUT exception.
I will be wearing gloves during the inspection however if other people are at the inspection opening and closing doors and touching objects there is increased risk to spread and/or contract the virus.
I understand these are unusual and sometimes difficult times but these conditions are hopefully temporary and it is greatly appreciated if we all parties adhere to these guidelines for safety and peace of mind.